Sunday, December 16, 2012

My sweet girls

 Man, I can't get enough of these girls!  They are too sweet.  I'm always telling them they can grow up, but they have to grow up slow.  Caroline said to me last week, "when I grow up slow, will you come to college with me?"  We took the girls shopping separately yesterday so they could pick out a present for each other.  We kept stressing it was a surprise for Christmas morning so not to tell her sister.  Caroline and I had been back for less than five minutes when June spilled the beans.  As soon as it left her mouth she realized what she had done and was so crestfallen, she cried on my shoulder for about five minutes.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shelley! It's Jeanette Baltezegar. I thought about you the other day when we were told that we were going to be grandparents to twins in November. I was so happy that I remembered your blog because I wanted to share the good news with you. June and Caroline are adorable and have grown so much! It looks like you are enjoying every minute of being a Mom. You are doing a great job with your blog. What a great way to share with family and friends! We are so excited about our upcoming arrivals...can't wait! I would love to hear from you some time. Take care!
